How to prepare for vanlife

It is a long way from small camper vacations to actually going after this allegedly dream (van)life. And I am not talking about the technical aspects here, i.e., gaining knowledge and being able to build a van. I am thinking mentally: How can you  prepare emotionally for such a life changing event? Where to begin?

Hello internet! 

First of all, you start online. YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest as well as discussion boards online offer all kinds of vanlife stories. So many people are living in a van and luckily they document it online. All the pros and cons. You can learn a lot from other people's experiences, skills, successes and mistakes. Try to find authentic and honest content - without the often used "Instagram reality filter". Could this life be for you? 

Piece of advice: Do not only scavenge YouTube etc. for experiences though. Use it for inspiration and education as well. What solutions do you like? How did other vanlifers manage the questions you will come across: from electricity to storage. Start saving videos and ideas, pin them to boards or write them down. You will come back to them later while planning and building your van. For us, making up our mind about ideas and planning the van took even longer than actually building it. Later on, we have often asked ourselves: "Where have we seen the solution? Which video was it?"

Examples of helpful vanlife content

Minimalistic thinking 

To prepare for vanlife ask yourself what you really need in your life to be happy or thankful? Start thinking about your habits, hobbies as well as the materialistic objects that suround you. What makes you appreciate your time and makes you smile? What objects haven't you touched in years? Because here is the undeniable truth: Not every thing and not every hobby can go with you! This is a good thing though, at least when it comes objects. We consume and buy far too much new stuff anyway. Vanlife is the big chance for you to realize: You really don't need much to feel good. Think about it: When moving to another place have you ever noticed how much stuff relocates untouched from box to another box? Or how much things are thrown away?

Pare-down day is coming

Moving into a van is like the biggest relocation of your life probably. Except for the fact that you won't have that much storage for sealed off boxes anymore. So prepare to pare-down, mentally and eventually physically. Declutter. But don't throw everything away. Try selling or giving it away. And if you cannot let go of certain things, if you are emotionally attached, you can still find storage elsewhere for them, maybe with friends or relatives. However, be honest to yourself. Which of your belongings add quality to your life?

As you start to go through your things, to sort and evaluate them, try to also tidy them up. Have you heard of Marie Kondō and her KonMari method of tidying? Categorize your stuff and think about a dedicated spot in the van for each category. Don't have pens in three different places, for example. 

What about hobbies? 

Hobbies are a big part of you and probably will be a big part of your vanlife experience. To "pare-down" hobbies can be a little bit more difficult then getting rid of objects. And that is why you have to think about it. When you know what you might be missing in vanlife you can prepare and take action beforhand.  

  • If your hobbies have to do with nature like surfing, hiking, climbing, biking etc., or can be performed in nature and/or tiny spaces like music or handicrafts, that is perfect. You probably only need to solve some storage challenges.
  • If you have a lot of different interests and are completely open minded about finding new hobbies, getting to know new people and learning new things, vanlife is for you. Now you have the time and numerous possibilities to try out whatever you like. 
  • If you are the person who really only loves team sports like handball, indoor sports like badminton or you feel most alive surrounded by your family, vanlife can get a little bit tougher. You might feel lonely despite all the new experiences and beautiful surroundings. Of course, this might not be true for you if you have a really outgoing personality and manage to find sport clubs and play mates wherever you go. However, ask yourself what you will gain by living in a van? Then you might realize that the gains can outweight the cons ;). 

All in all, don't be afraid to pare-down. It might hurt, but you will get over it, trust me. Vanlife has so much to offer and you will see that you do not need so much. 

Sustainable thinking 

As campers, we really have to respect nature and reduce our footprint. In Europe, many places already restrict access for campers and motorhomes since people behave selfish, take up too much space with camping chairs, leave trash or use nature as their bathroom with toilet paper everywhere. This is really sad and it makes angry since vanlife is a lot about nature and appreciating it. We have to act sustainably and show that vanlife actually is healthy for environments and the planet. Think about how you as a vanlifer can live a sustainable life and how you can give back. Incorporate those thoughts in your preparations: 

  • Leave no trace: Leave campsites even cleaner as they were before
  • Be energy and water efficient
  • Buy organically and locally: Support local businesses
  • Produce less waste and re- or upcycle
  • Be a more conscious consumer
  • Use biodegradable products (e.g. shampoo, dish soap)
  • Use a composting toilet

Go outside! 

If you are not yet doing so, start going outside more often to see if you are an outside person. When living in a van the outside is an extension of your personal space. It often is all in one: your living room, kitchen, sometimes bathroom as well as your space for all sorts of activities. So do not wait until you start your vanlife. You can already enjoy and appreciate the outside now. 



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