A day in Girona
Without any expectations we stopped in Girona. I have never been there before and the catalonian city was on our way anyway. There is the belief that without high expectations you can get the most out of it. The outcome is better since you cannot be disappointed. Is this true for Girona?
Girona has surprised us. And it would have been beautiful even with high expectations. The city is a charmer. No wonder it is crowded with tourists and inhabitants alike. The city is close to Barcelona and this also makes it popular for Barcelona day-trippers.
Where to park a big van
To be honest, our Girona experience started out a little bit stressful. We could not find suitable parking for our 6.4 meter long vehicle. Narrow parking spots and a lot of cars trying to find their destination made it hard to stay relaxed. Sometimes we had to wait ages to just "get out" again of a full parking area. Luckily, people are lazy and a little bit outside, still in walking distance (15 minutes by foot to the Cathedral for example), we found a good spot at an official parking area just north of the Riu Ter, next to a Mercadona and the Ocine Girona. Parking near a Mercadona supermarket also has the big plus of free toilets and vegan spelt croissants. ;)
Girona, molt de gust!
If you only have one day in Girona, what should you do? As with every new city, we actually like to just walk around and see where the path leads us - sometimes with the help of Google Maps and its reviews. In Girona, you cannot do wrong by strolling along both sides of Riu Onyar, crossing the small bridges in between. Especially in the evening, when the sun sets, the city becomes alive and looks magically with all the lights in between the old buildings and on the bridges. Then, the old town, dotted with little shops and bars, is especially beautiful.
What a view
Girona is partly surrounded by its old city walls. The best thing: You can walk them and have the best views over Girona. You either start or end your walk behind the cathedral, whatever suits your itinery for the day best. We walked the walls when it was already dark but I imagine it is more impressive in daylight. And of course, when you are in that area, do not forget to look at the cathedral itsself and other Game of Thrones locations.
Nice Cream
Make sure to stop at La Bombonera Gelateria at Plaça de la Independència for some very delicious ice cream. They serve some vegan options. The very tasteful looking Crepes were not vegan though. And be aware: The Google Maps location pin is not correct. It is located at the Plaça close to the Pont de Sant Agusti.